The Progress Technology Park and regional projects will help investors in the Holešov Zone with their business

23. 11. 2022

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The Zlín region has some of the best graduates, but these alone are not enough for a successful business. Investors need to rely on a reliable partner who will help them in all phases of the business. This is not only the Progress Technology Park in the Holešov Zone, but also the Zlín region itself and its projects.

The Progress Technology Park is located in the center of the Holešov Strategic Industrial Zone. In the area there are production halls, laboratories, office and training spaces and background services for entrepreneurs in the Industrial Zone. Its services can be used by innovative and start-up companies that are looking for support and quality facilities for the implementation of their projects.

One of the other interesting options for starting a business is offered to investors entering the Holešov Strategic Industrial Zone in the form of the My First Million accelerator, which is supported by the Technological Innovation Center in Zlín. Here, experienced experts will pass on know-how to university students, high school students, as well as people from the general public, and the winner will also receive an interesting financial reward. You can register until February 14, 2023 on the website

It is also often difficult for companies to find quality employees. E.g. according to current statistics, unemployment among students at the Tomas Bata University in Zlín is relatively low. Many of the graduates find work while still studying, companies often literally "fight" for them.

"Promising students can be involved in research and development and thus gain a new perspective on any issue that the given company is currently solving. One way to "ensure" enough high-quality graduates is to offer them professional experience and internships. Students can prepare proposals for various improvements for companies, for example in the form of a final thesis," said Ing. Mgr. Lucie Pluhařová, chairman of the board of Industry Servis ZK, which is in charge of the Holešov Zone.

Another important source of potential employees can be various job and education fairs. The last of them, for example, took place on November 2 in the Zlín Congress Center.

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