Construction work on expanding the internal infrastructure continues as planned


The management of Zóna Holešov has recently been working hard on the large-scale expansion of the internal infrastructure, which, among other things, responds to the enormous demand of investors for vacant land.

Construction work continues as planned. Thanks to the expansion of the infrastructure, there will be an increase in the number of plots on which incoming investors will be able to start their construction next year.

Construction work on the first part of "U lesíka" started in autumn. The main tasks were the completion of the water supply, gas pipeline, sewage and storm sewers. This will open up new opportunities for investors. Construction will be completed by the end of January 2023.

The second part of this large-scale project is the preparation of project documentation for the completion of the internal infrastructure in the western and central parts of the Zone, which are increasingly sought after by investors to start a business.

"The continued construction of investors is also worth mentioning. Some of them are finishing their construction work, some will start in the spring of 2023. We are happy to end this year on a positive note and look forward to what awaits us in 2023," said Ing. M.Sc. Lucie Pluhařová, chairman of the board of Industry Servis ZK, which is in charge of the Holešov Zone.

The gradual occupation of the Holešov Zone will also be one of the important tasks of 2023 for the leadership of the Zlín Region.