The ground for connecting the Strategic Industrial Zone in Holešov to D49 motorway is almost ready

12. 4. 2022

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Although the activist groups obstructing faster progress in the construction of D49 motorway keep “trying”, their unfounded objections have again been rejected by the court. The works on the D49 motorway continue. The ground for connecting to a roundabout is being prepared by the Strategic Industrial Zone in Holešov as well, being finished by a construction company.

The Strategic Industrial Zone in Holešov will, after many years of delays, finally see its direct connection to a motorway, which is an essential element for many investors and their logistics. The new motorway could potentially attract many new investors into the zone, who would gradually fill in the remaining parcels intended for construction.

“We’re happy the court has ruled as it has. The activist groups needlessly obstruct strategic projects, causing significant financial and temporal costs to all parties,” chair of the board Ing. Mgr. Lucie Pluhařová said.

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